Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Simple Present

Simple Present

We Study Together

Okay guys, the sentence above is an example of the simple present tense sentences:)
Do you know what is present tense? This uses to express habits, general, truths, repeat action or unchanging situations, emotions and wishes.

Simple Present is used :
  • ·        To giving instructions or directions.
  • ·        To express fixed arrangment.
The Pattern:

(+) S + V1 + Complement
(-) S + do / does + not + Complement
(?) Do / does + S + Complement ?

Example ;

(+) Arin likes grape.
(-) Arin doesn’t like grape.
(?) Does Arin like grape?

(+) S + to be + noun / adjective / adverb
(-) S + to be + + not + noun / adjective / adverb
(?) to be + S + noun / adjective / adverb

 Example ;

(+) She is beautiful.
(-) She isn’t beautiful.
(?) Is she beautiful.

Happiness Expression

Happiness Expression

'Happiness expression' may already be familiar among us.
 Because all ever had feeling of happiness.

  Happiness axpression is an expression to show someone or people that we are glad    (happy feeling)

Some expressions of Showing Happiness :
  • ·         I’m really happy.
  • ·         I’m happy to hear that.
  • ·         I’m very pleased with the news.
  • ·         It gives me pleasure.
  • ·         I can’t say ho pleased!
  • ·         Great / fantastic
  • ·         I’m very delighted about it.
  • ·         How marvelous.
  • ·         An exciting adventure.
  • ·         I’m great 

Example dialog

Dina : Iren . I’m very much say thanks to you of your supported for me in singing contest. Cause your supported. I have got the winner in this contest.
Iren : Oh, really? Congratulations Dina! I’m very pleased with the news.
Dina : Thank’s Ren. I can’t say how pleased I am.

Sympathy Expression


Hallo my beloved friends, how are you? I hope all are doing well J
Hmm, I have a little story for you..

In the morning, I arrived at school. On the way to class, I found my friend was sitting alone under a tree pensive. Her face looked sad, then I was approached her. Then I asked what was wrong with her. Then she told me that she just lost her beloved cat. Hmm, I'm so sorry to hear that. And how do you feel if you see your friend is feel unlucky cause of something? Do you also feel sympathy to see it? Do you also feel pity guys?

Okay, in the story there is an sympathy expression. Do you know what is definition of Sympathy Expression?
 Sympathy Expression is an expression or  feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see someone or people are unlucky or have trouble and in bad condition. By expressing sympathy we want to show our concern or carefulness on other people’s condition.

How can we give sympathy expression to someone?
è We can express it directly to him/her orally or we can use a letter or card by post also by Short Massage Service (SMS), email, television, radio, and newspaper if he/she who got the trouble is far from us.

Below are several expressions of showing sympathy :

·         Oh, dear!
·         Oh, how awful!
·         Oh, what ashame.
·         That’s a pity.
·         Oh, no !
·         I’m sorry for what’s happened

Example ;
For other example :
Agnes     : Do you know? Alice has lost her phone.
Andin     : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

Procedure Text

Procedure Text

Text procedure purpose explain how to make something based on series of steps or activity.

Structure of procedure text :
·        Aim / goal    : Get shaped title.
·        Materials     : Matter and instrument for requirement.
·        Srep          : For execute activity.

Characteristics of the text procedure :
  • ·        Utilize the simple present tense.
  • ·        Utilize connect word temporal : first, second, then, next, etc.
  • ·        Utilize action verbs : turn on, stir, cook, etc.
  • ·        Adverbials to express details of time and place.

Let us look at the example !

  • ·         2 slices of bread
  • ·         Peanut butter
  • ·         A banana
  • ·         Honey

  • ·         Take 2 slices of bread.
  • ·         Spread peanut butter.
  • ·         Cut up a banana onto small slices and put them on one of the slices.



Hallo guys! How are you? I hope everything's fine. Night?
You would ever greet someone, your teacher, or yourboyfriend maybe. But is it right guys? XD
As I said earlier (hallo guys), (how are you), the sentences are include the phrase greeting. Do you know what is greeting?..

Greeting is customary ot ritualy set words of phrases use to introduce one self or to greet someone.

How to greet other people ?
·        Good morning.
·        Good afternoo.
·        Are you getting alone?
·        How nice to see you !
·        Hi……!
·        How are you ?
·        Hello…..!
·        Long time no see.

How do to you introduce yourself ?
·        Let me introduce myself. My name is…..
·        Hello, I’m …..
·        Hi, I’m……….. You can call me……..
·        Hello. My name is…

How to introduce other people ?
·        I would like to introduce my partner. His / her name is ……..
·        I would like ypu to meet…
·        Excuse me, let me introduce our new friend. Her / his name is……..

How do you close or end conversation?

·        Well I should be going now. See you!
·        Well I must be off now. I’ll talk you later!
·        I’m sorry, I must to go now, It’s been nice talking with you. See you later.

Example ;


Wildan    : Ross, this is Harry my friend from Medan.
Ross      : Hello Harry. Nice to meet you.
Harry     : Hy Ross. Nice to meet you too.

Dina      : Erin, allow me to introduce you to my auntie Alice from Singapur.
Erin      : I’m very pleased to meet you auntie Alice.
Auntie Alice :I’m very pleased to meet you to Erin J