Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Noun Phrases

Noun Phrase

Noun is a word that names a person, animal, place, thing, idea, or concept, or anything considered as noun.
The functional of Nouns in Sentences :
·         Subject of the sentence
·         Predicate noun (also Predicate Nominayive or Subjective Complement)
·         Appositive (noun in apposition)
·         Direct object of a verb
·         Indirect object of a verb
·         Objectof the preposition
·         Object complement (Objective Complement)

A noun phrase is either a single noun or pronoun or any group of words containing a noun or a pronoun that function together as a pronoun, as the subject or object of verb.
Noun Phrases are phrases that function in the same way as nouns, (subjects, direct objects or indirect objects)
Noun phrases is a group word that does the work of a noun.

Noun phrases normally consist of a head noun, which is optionally modified ("premodified" If the modifier is placed before the noun; "postmodified" if the modifier is placed after the noun). Possible modifiers include:
  • Determiners: articles (the, a), demonstratives (this, that), numerals (two, five, etc.), possessives (my, their, etc.), and quantifiers (some, many, etc.). In English, determiners are usually placed before the noun;
  • Adjectives (the red ball); or
  • Complements, in the form of a prepositional phrase (such as: the student of physics), or a That-clause (the claim that the earth is round);
  • Modifiers; pre-modifiers if placed before the noun and usually either as nouns (the university student) or adjectives (the beautiful lady), or post-modifiers if placed after the noun. A postmodifier may be either a prepositional phrase (the man with long hair) or a relative clause (the house where I live). The difference between modifiers and complements is that complements complete the meaning of the noun; complements are necessary, whereas modifiers are optional because they just give additional information about the noun.

When you use a noun in front of another noun, you never put adjectives between them. You put adjectives in front of the first noun.

Noun phrase can be in form of gerund (Vbase + ing) or gerund and other nouns compounding.

Example          : Passing the exam
                         Preparing the equipment
                         Going to school
                         Watching movie
                         Sliding down a rope 
                         Diving Board 

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