Parts of Body
Part of body is the entire structure of a human organism, and consists of a head, neck, torso, two arms and two legs.
Guys, look at the picture below. The picture show us parts of body.
- Face = Wajah / rupa
- Neck = Leher
- Waist = Pinggang
- Elbow = Siku
- Thigh = Paha
- Knee = Lutut
- Ankle = Pergelangan kaki
- Shin = Garas
- Hand = Tangan
- Head = Kepala
- Shoulder = Bahu
- Chest = Dada
- Arm = Lengan
- Wrist = Pergelangan tangan
- Leg = Kaki
- Foot = kaki tempat berpija
- Hair = rambut
- Nose = hidung
- Shoulder = bahu
- Mouth = mulut
- Bibir = lip
- Cheek = pipi
- Tongue = lidah
- Ear = Telinga
- Finger = jari
- Chin = dagu
- Forehead = dahi
Shape is all the geometrical information that remains when location, scale and rotational effects are filtered out from an object.Cube = kubus
Square = persegi
Trapezoid = trapesium
Rectangle = Persegi panjang
Pentagon = segi lima
Cylinder = silinder
Triangle = segitiga
Circle = lingkaran
Oval = oval
Sphere = bola
Oke guys, theese are about vocabs (Parts of Body and Shapes) :)
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